Responsive Web Design (RWD) vs Adaptive Web Design (AWD)

We’ve heard the terms Fluid, Adaptive, and Responsive used interchangeably when describing a theme’s ability to resize according to browser specs or device (mobile or not) size. Are they really different from one another or are they referring to the same characteristics found in themes described as such?

What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)? Responsive Layout?

Let’s take a closer look.

Responsive web design (often abbreviated to RWD) is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones) – Wikipedia

Responsive design is the methodology behind making a website respond to whatever platform you are viewing it on regardless of resolution and orientation. It may change how certain elements display but it will not remove elements or change the core functionality of their behaviours. Responsive design uses a fluid grid and it is usually possible entirely through HTML and CSS, without the need for DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation. – Matthew Freeman

According to Ethan Marcotte, The 3 Elements of Responsive Web Design are:

A flexible, grid-based layout – A layout based on proportions rather than absolutes; uses a flexible grid, which in turn ensures that a website can scale to a browser’s full width.

Flexible images and media – Layouts based on percentages resize gracefully according to the size of the browser window rendering them. However, it is problematic to ensure that the content within a site resizes.
Images and media should scale with the flexible grid; images that work in a flexible context, whether fluid themselves or perhaps controlled through overflow mechanisms. CSS addresses this problem with its max-width property

Media queries – Content based breakpoints; optimize the design for different viewing contexts and spot-fix bugs that occur at different resolution ranges. CSS3’s media queries directly address these usability problems by allowing browsers to serve different styles for different viewing contexts. CSS3 greatly expands support for media queries, adding the ability to target media features such as screen and device width and orientation.

These 3 elements of Responsive Web Design find their way into 3 different types of Responsive (RWD) Layouts:

The Basic Fluid Lay­out
Con­tent con­tin­u­ally flows or adjusts in a word-wrap fash­ion as screen width is increased or reduced. There are no “dis­tinct” dif­fer­ences in con­tent pre­sen­ta­tion. Fluid layouts are dynamic and user sensitive – adapting to the available real estate on the user interface and providing increased content accessibility.

The Adap­tive Lay­out
There are pre­de­fined sizes were dif­fer­ent lay­outs are trig­gered. These are called breakpoints. Typ­i­cally there are three or four break­points to accom­mo­date desk­top, tablet and mobile screen sizes.

The Respon­sive Lay­out
This is a hybrid of Basic Fluid Lay­out and Adap­tive Lay­out. There are pre­de­fined break points, how­ever in between these breakpoints con­tent will flow to expand or con­tract.

According to his article for the Adobe Blog, Carl Sandquist states that:

“Cur­rently, most RWD web sites use Respon­sive Lay­out since it offers a best-of-both-world expe­ri­ence. Con­tent snaps into the appro­pri­ate approx­i­mate posi­tion for a device type (e.g. Tablet) and then fine-tuned adjust­ments are made for the exact screen size on a par­tic­u­lar device.”

What is Adaptive Design (AWD)? Adaptive Layout?

“Adaptive design is the manipulation of layouts to best perform on certain screen resolutions inclusive of elemental removal or behaviour changing techniques. Adaptive design usually requires Javascript to efficiently manipulate the DOM. Javascript can be avoided if you plan on having duplicate on-page elements and then show or hide them based on screen sizes, this might be appropriate for smaller elements but not whole columns or navigation elements.” – Matthew Freeman

“This technique adapts what is displayed depending on the capabilities of the device being used, as well as the screen size. It centres on the context of the user, so even when the same content is used, it is adapted (with some or even all of the design elements changing), depending on whether the user is using a mouse and keyboard or touch screen. AWD also uses different layouts for tablets and mobiles with certain. ‘Responsive’ elements built in to reduce the number of different templates required. AWD can be taken to further extremes with content being completely repackaged and reworded, while images and video are either reworked or completely removed.” – Danny Bluestone

According to Aaron Gustafson, author of Adaptive Web Design, Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement:

“Progressive enhancement isn’t about browsers. It’s about crafting experiences that serve your users by giving them access to content without technological restrictions. Progressive enhancement doesn’t require that you provide the same experience in different browsers, nor does it preclude you from using the latest and greatest technologies; it simply asks that you honor your content (and your users) by applying technologies in an intelligent way, layer-upon-layer, to craft an amazing experience.

He encourages designers to: Think of the user, not the browser.”

Which one is better?

A better understanding of the differences between Responsive Web Design and Adaptive Web Design is a starting point to deciding which solution will work well for you, or your clients, if you are a WordPress professional. Knowing what solutions are available and having the ability to distinguish and implement whichever design approach best meets the specifications of the end user is an important element. Of course, nothing is carved in stone. Future designs may be a combination or a hybrid of both – employing the best features of each one. The goal is to ensure that the user experience at the point of searching and eventually finding your website is the best experience they get at that particular moment – fully hoping that it will be the first of many more visits and not their last.

WordPress, Really? 5 Amazing WordPress Sites to Inspire You

Below are some amazing not so typical WordPress websites to inspire you to think out of the box:

1. Yoke by Jay Bigford and Alister Wynn

“Having the power to manage the content of your site and update it when you want gives you valuable autonomy and gives us more time with our colouring pens. We can provide simple elegant WordPress solutions to fully fledged e-commerce sites to get your online shop selling.” – co-founders Jay Bigford and Alister Wynn (eCommerce, Open Source, WordPress)

2. Girl with a Camera by Matt Brett

“This was my first venture into HTML5, and I took the opportunity to deck out Ashley’s photoblog with all sorts of CSS3 frills as well. One of the main challenges, was deciding on a colour scheme. Since each photo set could potentially have a dominant colour throughout, I came up with the idea of having the background colour change for each post (set).” – Matt Brett

3. Crack by DCOED

“We have created a fully responsive masonry-style website for Crack Magazine, designed by Fiasco. Mobile and tablet users can now enjoy a comfortable reading experience that does CRACK’s editorial and imagery justice.” – DCOED (WordPress, CSS3, HTML, Responsive Design)

4. Grind by Magic+Might and Co:Collective

“We leverage WordPress to manage content and templating for the site. WordPress is also used to manage the content for our members-area site, and our blog, the Grindist,” explains Josh Campbell. “We picked WordPress for a number of reasons. First we wanted a stable, feature rich platform but without a large investment, that would be able to grow with our needs.

“We also wanted a clean management interface for our writers and editors so they can focus on creating great content.” There is a fantastic community surrounding WordPress and the guys ?at Grind feel that this reflects on the kind of collaborative community that they are all about.”

5. Rodesk by Laurens Boex and Jasper van Orden

“WordPress is the best CMS for sites such as Rodesk, we’ve developed with it for quite some time,” explains Boex. “With a ton of plugins and extensions and a worldwide community of supportive developers it’s easy to work with and integrate quickly.”

Free WordPress Themes 2013: Trends

Free WordPress themes have come a long way since Kubrick. Twenty Ten, Twenty Eleven, and the latest – Twenty Twelve – is the newest Kubrick as far as Free WordPress themes go. Twenty Twelve is the current default WordPress theme.

Let’s take a look at some of the features of this free default WordPress theme:

  • Front Page Template where you can add text, images, video
  • Responsive, Mobile-first Layout
  • Custom ”Open Sans” Font
  • Custom post formats: links, quotes, asides, statuses, images
  • Widgets and No-sidebar layout
  • Custom menu, custom header image, custom background color and image
  • Multi columns
  • Sidebar
  • Flexible width
  • Editor style
  • Flexible header
  • Featured images
  • Full width template
  • Post formats
  • Sticky post
  • Theme options
  • Infinite Scroll

Those are a lot of features coming from a free WordPress theme, don’t you think? And most of these features are what you also get from a lot of Premium WordPress themes. If we use Twenty Twelve as our standard, what then can we expect in 2013, as far as Free WordPress themes are concerned?

  • All of the features listed above will become standard features
  • More Premium-like features
  • eCommerce options
  • Typography options
  • Drag and drop options
  • Page-builder options
  • More Single Page Themes
  • Free themes for email, mobile, etc.
  • HTML5 and CSS3 and adhering to WordPress Coding standards

Many WordPress themes authors, providers and developers give away free themes as samples of their work. These samples, albeit free, are not necessarily inferior to Premium themes being sold in the marketplace. In truth, some of them are even better (or Best – shameless plug). The fact that these free samples are marketing tools to introduce these new authors to the market should be a weighty incentive for them to release high quality products that will catch the attention of WordPress professionals who are always on the lookout for something fresh.

15 Sensational Mobile WordPress Themes


According to a survey I came across a few months back, the number of people who use a smartphone is larger than the number of people who use a toothbrush! This means that if your website is not mobile phone friendly then you are missing on on a lot of visitors. Some people feel that if the number of people who surf the Internet on smartphones is A and the number of people who use the Internet from their computer is B then the total number of Internet users is A + B. Wrong!

A lot of people browse the Internet on their smartphones only when they can’t access it via a computer for e.g. while travelling in a car, train or bus etc. This means that there is a big overlap between A and B. A major portion of smartphone browsers is a subset of computer browsers. So what does this has to do with your website? A lot. If you ensure that your site is easily accessible to smartphones then the number of page impressions your site gets can dramatically increase as the same people who were visiting your site via their computers can visit it even when they are…say…travelling.

Below we have collected 15 beautiful WordPress themes designed specifically for mobile phones. Some are free and some cost a nominal amount. Check them out and see which ones work best for you! NOTE: A post on great Responsive WordPress Themes for 2013 is coming soon!

What Will Be The Biggest WordPress Theme Trend in 2013?

Web design is not a stand alone activity. It is affected by several factors like technology trends, business trends, market trends, and consumer behaviour. It takes a studied effort in order to intelligently and accurately “predict” what the market wants in the future. No one can claim to make 100% accurate predictions but by taking stock of what goes on not just in the web design industry but in the related industries that affect it as well we can somehow make calculated “guesses” as to what trends may happen in the near future.

Here are some of our predictions on what’s currently hot and what will continue to be hot up to the early portion of 2013:

  1. Mobile Driven – WordPress themes will continue to be responsive, adaptive, fluid. Older but still popular themes will come out with mobile-friendly versions.
  2. HTML5 and CSS3 – Stricter adherence to W3C Valid code and significant decrease if not obsolescence of Flash.
  3. Simplified and uncluttered call to action buttons per page – Simple, minimal and uncluttered themes with lesser number of buttons to click.
  4. Big Typography – Big, bold and readable fonts.
  5. Single Web Page Design – Infinite scrolling (parallax style).
  6. Authentically Digital – Windows 8 style graphics (less shiny, more flat).
  7. Simplified front end customization – Backend customizations will move to the front making it easier to preview specific customization choices.
  8. Social Media Management – Integrating social media into the WordPress design template (Instagram, Pinterest, Dribble streams etc).
  9. Modular Template Layouts – More drag and drop options with less coding required for customization.
  10. Adaptive to new SEO trends – WordPress Themes will be adaptive to new SEO trends like Voice search, mobile search, humanized ranking, social media factors, etc.

If you a WordPress professional or developer, what emerging trends do you foresee in 2013? Share your thoughts. We want to know what you think.

Best Theme

  Best Theme (v1.1) A Beautiful, Responsive Theme for WordPress Sites Make sure to check out our official post on the Best Theme for updates on recent and future releases! Take some time to check out the Best Theme demo …