WordPress and Web Design Events 2013 – 2014

Keep yourself up to date with the latest trends and technology on WordPress and web design with these upcoming events and conferences. Plan your schedules and book early.

Event: Industry 2014 – An Event for Web Professionals
Date: 22 – 23 April 2014
Venue: Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Topic(s): Managing design in organisations, Metrics, Assumptions and Design, User Experience, CSS, Business, ‘Big Projects’, HTML/JS and Mobile Web and Web Performance

Event: Port80 Handheld Mashup
Date: 27 – 28 Nov 2013
Venue: Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, Wales
Topic(s): Big Ideas for Small Devices

Event: Port80 2014
Date: 16 May 2014
Venue: TBA
Topic(s): TBA

Event: 2014 SXS Interactive Festival Week
Date: 6 – 16 March 2013
Venue: Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas
Topic(s): Health, privacy, hacking and design, nonprofits, fashion, space exploration and gaming — and everything in between

Event: The Business of Web Design
Date: 18 July 2014
Venue: Cardiff, Wales
Topic(s): Art of web design freelancing and running your own web design show

Event: Le Web’13 Paris
Date: 9 -12 December 2013
Venue: 50 Avenue du President Wilson 93200 La Plaine Saint Denis
Topic(s): Mobile, hardware, social, etc. and their potential trajectories, Technology

Event: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Date: 24 -27 February 2014
Venue: Haifa, Israel
Topic(s): Annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community and serves as the principal international forum for reporting outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces

Event: The Next Web Europe 2014
Date: 24 – 25 April 2014
Venue: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Topic(s): Internet and Technology

Event: An Event Apart
Date: 9 – 11 December 2013
Venue: The Palace Hotel, San Francisco CA
Topic(s): Web design, typography, mobile web, CSS

Event: WebVisions NYC
Date: 3 – 4 April 2014
Venue: NYIT Auditorium on Broadway
Topic(s): Explore the Future of the Web

Event: New Media Expo 2014
Date: 4 – 6 January 2014
Venue: Rio All Suite Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
Topic(s): Blogging, Podcasting, Web TV & Video

21 Steps Sales Letter – A Sales Presentation Formula by Perry Belcher

Perry Belcher is a well-known Internet marketing speaker, author of several books, and a recognized sales guru. He was a guest speaker in the Traffic and Conversion Summit held earlier this year where he shared his famous 21 Steps Sales Letter originally based on David Frey’s 12-step foolproof sales letter formula. Below is the list of secrets shared during the conference. Perry recommends that these steps be followed in sequence because sequence is critical.

According to Perry, “poor copy in sequence is better than good copy out of sequence”.

The 21 Steps Sales Letter Formula:

1. Call out to your audience

Address your audience (Attention: insert your audience here) at the top of your sales letter.

2. Get their attention

Grab the attention of your reader with a big promise headline. (example: Everything You’ve Learned About ____ is a Lie!)

3. Backup the big promise headline with a quick explanation (sub-headline).

Support the headline to give it believability. Write out 100 or more headlines and trim it down to your best 5. (example: How To + insert benefit here)

4. Identify the problem.

Identify the audience (who they are, how they feel) or tell a story about a problem, a struggle, or a challenge.

5. Provide the solution

Reveal a solution to their problem and prove that this solution is the best option out there.

6. Show pain of and cost of development

Let your audience know the pain and cost you and others went through to develop the solution to the problem. Establish empathy and affinity with your audience.

7. Explain ease-of-use

Let them know how easy the solution is to use.

8. Show speed to results

Give them an idea how fast it is to achieve results.

9. Futurecast

Explain how their life will improve or be better because of your solution.

10. Show your credentials

Establish your credibility and demonstrate your expertise.

11. Detail the benefits

Use bullet points to enumerate benefits. Tip: Describe the feature, then use the words “…so that” to describe and emphasize the benefit.

12. Get social proof

Use outside authority or third party validation (example: research statistics, quotes from credible or authoritative sources, etc.)

13. Make your offer

Tell them exactly what they are getting.

14. Add bonuses

Bonuses need not be relevant to the offer. People only need to want them.

15. Build up your value

Build up the value of your offer. Tell them how much everything is worth.

16. Reveal your price (pop by button)

Add prices together to calculate value, then reveal price that’s much cheaper. Explain why the price is what it is and why it is such a great value.

17. Inject scarcity (if any)

Offers that don’t have scarcity don’t sell as well, but it needs to be genuine or you’ll destroy your business. (example: change the price, limited time, take away a bonus, etc.)

18. Give guarantee

Remove, eliminate, reverse, take out perceived risks. Longer guarantee = less returns.

19. Call to action

The call to action is a command. Be specific and tell them exactly what to do. Use visuals, screenshots, and other tools to guide them to do the next steps until completed.

20. Give a warning

Warn them against the consequence or what’s going to happen if they don’t buy.

21. Close with a reminder

Recap the whole offer and remind them what they are getting. Summarize the problem, the solution, the offer, the guarantee, and the benefits and consequences they will be experiencing.

If you’re stumped as to how to begin writing your own sales letter, try these simple steps, apply them, and give them a try. It’s a great way to jumpstart your writing technique. If you do, let us know whatever the results are. We’d love to hear from you.

Matt Cutts on Upcoming Penguin and Panda Updates for 2013

We’ve been writing a lot about Google Panda and how it penalizes websites that are basically content farms – sites that contain low quality, thin, duplicate content that have no added value to users. A follow up to the Google Panda algorithm is the Penguin update which rolled out in February 2012. What’s Penguin all about?

Penguin is an over-optimization penalty targeting websites that practice keyword stuffing, web spam, reverse cloaking, backlinks, and unnatural inbound links coming from paid or sponsored text links (using exact anchor text), comment spam, and syndicated article marketing link tactics. Google has changed the way they have been evaluating links and as a result, sites that were guilty of over-optimization got slapped. This means that you might experience a drop in your search engine rank and a drop in traffic sent by Google to your website.

There are 2 types of penalties that can happen to you:

If you experience small drops in your traffic or ranking, this equates to links being discounted. You can:

  • identify and check your link profile using your Google Webmaster’s account.
  • check, identify, and clean up bad links: blog links, forum links, article links, paid links, partner links, scraper links, natural links, unnatural links and every other type of link that your site may have and fix keyword stuffing if applicable
  • build new links or get more high quality and relevant links using related yet varied anchor text
  • build new high quality links with the same anchor text you were penalized for
  • purge your site of suspected low quality links
  • review advertisement placement or affiliate/sponsored/purchased links

If you experience big drops in your traffic or ranking, this equates to penalties and often manual action. You can:

  • Remove the site-wide low quality links. Check your anchor text variation (most have the same keyword 50% of the time).
  • If you’ve received and unnatural link warning from Google, use the link disavow tool to aid you in the removal of any offending links
  • Make a reconsideration request admitting the offense or violation, describing the steps taken to correct or fix the problem, and promising not to repeat the violation again.
  • Provide Feedback if you think your site should not be affected.

Matt Cutts, Google’s Distinguished Engineer and head of spam, recently hinted during the SMX West (Search Marketing Expo) 2013 Conference that Google Penguin and Panda updates can be expected within 2013. He revealed that his search quality team was working on a major Penguin algorithm update that will be one of the more talked about and more significant algorithm updates this year while a Panda update was set to be released around March 18th. Cutts also reveals that the Panda algorithm will be deployed and more and more integrated into their regular algorithm updates (Panda Everflux). According to Matt Cutts, content and user experience are his recommended top priorities. Knowing all these, SEO professionals, webmasters, and website owners, need to be prepared for the next roller coaster ride of rankings and ratings their websites will go through. Meanwhile, you can follow the steps enumerated above or look up our previous article on how to Panda proof your website.

Finding and Establishing your own Niche WordPress “Channel”

The recently held digital marketing conference Traffic and Conversion Summit 2013 was an eye opener to many. Many of the topics discussed were cutting edge and one of the main buzz words that came out of the conference was “channelization”.

The Channelization of Everything

What do we mean when we say “channelization”? Here’s an interesting way to look at it.

Rivers come in lots of different shapes and sizes, but they all have some things in common. All rivers and streams start at some high point. The high point can be a mountain, hill or other elevated area. Water from some source like a spring, snowmelt or a lake starts at this high point and begins to flow down to lower points. As the water flows down, it may pick up more water from other small streams, springs or or from rain or snow melt. These streams may slowly join together to form a larger stream or river. Small rivers and streams may join together to become larger rivers. Eventually all this water from rivers and streams will run into the ocean or an inland body of water like a lake.

River engineering is the process of planned human intervention in the course, characteristics or flow of a river with the intention of producing some defined benefit. People have intervened in the natural course and behaviour of rivers since before recorded history – to manage the water resources, to protect against flooding or to make passage along or across rivers easier.

Channelization of a stream may be undertaken for several reasons. One is to make a stream more suitable for navigation or for navigation by larger vessels with deep draughts. Another is to restrict water to a certain area of a stream’s natural bottom lands so that the bulk of such lands can be made available for agriculture. A third reason is flood control, with the idea of giving a stream a sufficiently large and deep channel so that flooding beyond those limits will be minimal or nonexistent, at least on a routine basis.
(source: Wikipedia)

In today’s digital market, how then, does this concept apply to finding or even creating your own niche WordPress stream or channel?

Let’s take a look:

Product distribution (or place) is one of the four elements of the marketing mix. Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user, using direct means, or using indirect means with intermediaries. The other three parts of the marketing mix are product, pricing, and promotion. Distribution of products takes place by means of channels. Channels are sets of interdependent organisations (called intermediaries) involved in making the product available for consumption.

Today’s digital economy is shifting towards “channelization” – the way products are made available for public consumption. Because of the way business is evolving, what worked years ago may no longer work today. What was effective yesterday may already be obsolete today. Interestingly enough, starting your own business and distributing your own products has never been easier. However, the challenge of independent business owners or new players in the eCommerce arena is being discovered and being able to establish their own loyal market base. Creating your own stream or river from scratch is like pushing a boulder uphill everyday. This is where the shifting or the channelization occurs.

Today, the traditional trader can start off his business by taking advantage of these established “high starting points of distribution” like Amazon or Ebay, plug in to their channel, utilize their structure and distribution network to launch or introduce a new product or project.These powerful distribution channels have significant traffic and extensive networking connections to give your business a boost in the right direction. Once the channel is strong enough and the customer base is established, the business owner can spin off and establish his own business base according to his own terms. On the other hand, DIY-ers and boutique type businesses can create their own online stores in niche channels like Etsy. Other types of businesses can use other distribution channels such as KickStarter, AngelList, CafePress or Barkbox. How to get started? All it takes is to register.

What about digital goods such as WordPress Themes, Plugins and other types of digital products? New players in the WordPress themes business have found opportunities to introduce themselves and pool their work portfolio through established WordPress marketplaces or “channels” like ThemeForest with very little startup capital. The key, really, is to draw a loyal crowd or “traffic”, establish connections, and service them so that their conversion as long-term customers or customers for life will be cemented.

Bottomline, in today’s digital economy, having a good product is great, knowing your distribution channels is better, but having a good product + distributing thru the right channels + creating the media (email lists of customers) = the best starting point for you to build your own niche business and your brand.

On Becoming a WordPress Professional

How does one become a certified WordPress professional indeed? Earning your stripes as a WordPress professional does not come from a course you enroll in and study for X number of years in your regular university. Neither do you get a degree or a diploma for the numerous WordPress conferences, seminars or webinars you attend. In truth, becoming a WordPress professional is not age bound, race bound, location bound, language bound or educational background bound. One key ingredient is the willingness to learn, make mistakes, and learn all over again.

Many current WordPress professionals and practitioners did not start out as such. Perhaps some have come out from the corporate world and taken a radical sabbatical from their daily grind while others probably started out in their dorm room or garage. Maybe others began tinkering with WordPress while they were in their teens while some are going through a second wind in their careers. The Internet has this built-in democratic leveling quality where anyone can make it regardless. Since the year is about to end, maybe some of you are considering a quiet change or transition into something else – a new career path of sorts. You don’t necessarily have to be a developer or a designer to be a WordPress professional. Here are a few options for you to think of if you are considering a shift into the exciting world of WordPress:


Web development is the back-end of the website, the programming and interactions on the pages. A web developer focuses on how a site works and how the customers get things done on it. Good web developers know how to program CGI and scripts like PHP. They understand about how web forms work and can keep a site running effectively.A good web developer will have excellent programming skills and be able to use a range of programming tools. He or she will be able to provide solutions to give a website the functions required. Web developers will use a range of programming tools such as ASP, Javascript, XML and SQL. The focus is more on the backend and the functionality of the site.

Designer (Themes)

Web design determines the look and feel of a website. It covers the layout, navigation and colors of a website. Web design is more concerned with aesthetics and user experience than functions. A web designer will make a website easy to use and fit for purpose. A good web designer will have graphic design skills and a good understanding of marketing. He or she will know how to grab the attention of visitors and encourage them to explore a website. A web designer is concerned with how a site looks and how the customers interact with it. Good web designers know how to put together the principles of design to create a site that looks great. They also understand about usability and how to create a site that customers want to navigate around in.

Developer (Plugins and Widgets)

Plug-ins and widgets are a great way to enhance the functionality of your site by adding in extra features. These can be placed anywhere inside your template by function hooks. You can start creating and eventually selling stand-alone plugins that add value to existing or new themes.

Support Professional

One of the most common deficiencies in the WordPress themes marketplace is the lack of or absence of theme support. You can start a career by being part of a support team that is responsible for providing after-sales support to customers who have purchased specific themes.


Providing consultancy services, networking, and hooking up clients with designers and developers is another option to becoming a WordPress Professional. Many times, a lot of great designers do poorly sales-wise because of a lack of marketing skills. You can offer your services to acts as a marketing consultant to WordPress designers and developers who have little or no time to do the marketing themselves.

Blogger/ Theme Description Writer

With the explosion of WordPress themes in the marketplace, there is very little difference between one theme to the next and a lot of them look like clones. You can offer your services as a writer to create a marketing hook for designers and developers who would rather write code than a marketing spiel.

Documentation Writer

Providing appropriate and useful detailed documentation that is easy to understand even by WordPress beginners is another option. Transcribing the installation and setting up process in easy to follow steps adds value to the theme and a well written piece will mean less resources spent on support.

WordPress Trainor

If you have acquired a certain level of proficiency in WordPress and you are confident enough about what you know, you can also try going into teaching and training.

These are just a few ideas to think of as you consider starting or shifting to a career as a WordPress professional.

The Business of WordPress

The root word of ecosystem is “eco,” a derivative of the Greek term for house or home, and “system,” is a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole. A closer look at nature reveals a highly integrated system of living and nonliving components capable of sustaining life. Each species, element, and energy source plays a crucial part in maintaining balance on our living planet. In the same token, there exists multiple layers of ecosystems within social and business structures that are interactive and interdependent upon each other. We have witnessed in the last few years a social networking phenomenon where our world has become more and more interconnected digitally and business environments are turning into digital ecosystems.

Caught in the midst of all this is a thriving WordPress community comprised of WordPress professionals, authors, developers, theme providers, marketplace vendors, web hosts, and other commercial entities that have evolved and conglomerated into this dynamic WordPress ecosystem we have today. These key players have all been instrumental in empowering the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS) today, fueling this digital economy with WordPress powered websites, themes, plugins, and web consultancy services all around the globe.

One of the exciting events to look forward to in the WordPress scene is the upcoming Pressnomics 2012 conference in November. Pressnomics 2012 – The Economics of WordPress is the first of its kind gathering of the brightest minds in the commercial WordPress ecosystem represented by 7+ countries around the globe. The goal is to foster dialog, share and discuss business best practices, teach a mix of WordPress and general business strategy, et cetera, to help propel those who are active WordPress professionals even further as well as inspire those who are contemplating a future in the WordPress ecosystem. Among the list of speakers are familiar names in the WordPress community: Collis Ta’eed, Pete Davies, Alex King, Cory Miller, to name a few.

There is still much to learn and more room to grow in this realm as the world becomes smaller and smaller because of the recent technological advances especially in the mobile tech industry. The crest of this WordPress wave has yet to reach its peak and even as the wave rises so do the rest of the little boats floating along with it.

For more details about Pressnomics 2012, visit their website at pressnomics.com.

Upcoming WordPress Events – 4QTR 2012

2013 is just around the corner and it’s time to take stock of what you’ve accomplished the past year and what you can look forward to in the next. Keep abreast of the latest trends and participate in any one of these seminars or conferences to brush up on your WordPress, HTML5 and CSS skills to get you ready for 2013. Staying informed not just on WordPress matters alone but also web and business-related matters will keep you two steps ahead of your game.

Here’s a quick rundown of the latest WordPress events and other noteworthy conferences around the globe to help keep you on the cutting edge.

The Events:

  • Event: Pressnomics 2012
    Date: 8 – 10 Nov 2012
    Location: Phoenix, Arizona
    Description: The Economics of WordPress Conference.
  • Event: Visualized
    Date: 8 – 9 Nov 2012
    Location: Times Center Manhattan, New York City
    Description: VISUALIZED explores the evolution of communication at the intersection of big data, storytelling and design.
  • Event: HTML5 Mobile Mastery
    Date: 12 – 14 Nov 2012
    Location: London, England
    Description: Two-day HTML5 Mobile Workshop presented by Skills Matter.
  • Event: Handheld 2012
    Date: 19th Nov 2012
    Location: Cardiff, Wales
    Description: Big Ideas for Small Devices. Handheld is the conference for all things mobile, web and native.
  • Event: WordCamp Orlando
    Date: 1 Dec 2012
    Location: Orlando, Florida
    Description: One of the Largest WordPress Education Events.
  • Event: Trends Plus 2012
    Date: 4 Dec 2012
    Location: London, England
    Description: Consumer Behaviour | Marketing Strategy – A forum for ideas, creativity and a sprinkling of blue-sky thinking.