Conversion Hacks: Increasing Opt-In Rates

How many of you have tried several email campaigns but have wondered why they aren’t so effective? How many of you are actually clueless as to how to maximize the power of email marketing and how you can use it to your advantage? Let’s take at the look at the ways you can increase your email list using these tips and tricks on increasing your Opt-In rates. Check out these terms – Opt-In, Confirmed Opt-In, Double Opt-In, and Opt-Out:


Sometimes referred to as “single opt-in,” basically means that people are only added to an email list if they actually fill out a registration form. They are given the “option” to receive email with their permission. Otherwise, the unsolicited email is referred to as spam.

Confirmed Opt-in:

This is similar to the opt-in method, but after someone signs up for your email list, you’d send them a “thank you” confirmation email that contains a link to unsubscribe from your list (just in case they were signed up by someone else without their permission).

Double Opt-in:

Someone signs up for your email list. You send a confirmation email with a link that they must click before they’re added to your list. If they don’t click the link, they don’t get added to the list. When users confirm that they want on your list, you should store their IP address, and confirmation date and time in your records. Some say this is the best way to handle your email list.


This is an old-fashioned way of building your email list where you’d typically have some form for people to fill out but with a hidden or not so obvious pre-checked box at the bottom, with something like, “Yes, please sign me up for your email newsletter!”

Tips and Tricks:

The headline, call to action (CTA) and opt-in box must have good headline. Write 100 headlines and pick the best one.

If you’re using a photo of a person in your landing page, have person looking at opt-in area

Simple plain flat book cover or graphic + opt-in box converts well

Other things that can make a big impact:

  • Have live chat on your site. You can outsource for approximately $300. 1 in 3 chatters buy. Set up a special follow up series for chatters because they are engaged prospects
  • Your best affiliate is your customer service. They know the your customers the best. Turn customer service people into sales people. Give customer service reps affiliate link. Create an email signature for customer service emails with what you’re promoting.
  • Use an Upsell formula
  • Make a “bucket offer”. Offer them more of what they bought at a greatly discounted price. (ex. Buying an apple for $1, then being offer 10 apples for $3)
  • Don’t worry about profit. Try to break even.
  • Send buyers additional offers via Direct mailing buyers additional offers. If someone buys from you but doesn’t buy upsell, direct mail a sales letter for the upsell
  • Telephone follow-up – Calling webinar attendees after webinar can increase your sales if you call your webinar attendees and ask them why they didn’t buy.
  • Ditching the progress bar on checkout process can cut cart abandonments in half

Keep testing your landing pages and keep tab of people’s responses to your marketing strategies to find out which method works best for your company. As you continue to understand your target market’s behavior the better you will be able increase your Opt-in rates and eventually your sales.

Traffic Analysis – The Open Rate

How many of you open your mailbox regularly and find it stuffed with all sorts of unsolicited mail? – flyers, brochures, leaflets, pre-approved credit cards, and all sorts of marketing materials from local or big companies offering you to buy, join, subscribe, or try. How many of these do you actually read? And how many go straight to the trash can or shredder even before you open it? Real time analysis is difficult to do when measuring the effectiveness of these physical marketing collaterals. There are two types of “open rates”- one for physical mail (aka snail mail via the USPS or other physical mail carrier) and one for electronic mail. In the case of email marketing, traffic analysis is more readily measurable. This means conclusions can be reached at a faster rate and corresponding actions to correct, arrest, or enhance results can be put in place as close to real time as possible.

What is Open Rate?

In email marketing, the open rate is the number of list subscribers who opened the email message. The open rate is a percentage of the total number of emails sent. (

According to Wikipedia,

The email open rate is a measure primarily used by marketers as an indication of how many people “view” or “open” the commercial electronic mail they send out. It is most commonly expressed as a percentage and calculated by dividing the number of email messages opened by the total number of email messages sent excluding those that bounced (Open Rate=Email messages opened/Total no. email msgs sent).

The open rate of any given email can vary based on a number of variables. For example, the type of industry the email is being sent to. In addition, the day and time an email is scheduled or sent to recipients can have an effect on email open rate. The length of an email’s subject line can also affect whether or not it is opened.

The open rate for an email sent to multiple recipients is then most often calculated as the total number of “opened” emails, expressed as a percentage of the total number of emails sent or—more usually—delivered. The number delivered is itself measured as the number of emails sent out minus the number of bounces generated by those emails.

Many marketing experts question the sole use of the results generated from Open Rates tracking as an absolute measure of the effectiveness of a company’s email marketing campaign. A number of marketers use open rates as a relative measure in comparing the performances of emails sent to similar recipient groups, but at different times or with different subject headers. Perhaps it is safe to say that Open Rate is just one of the many marketing metrics that, when used in conjunction with other traffic analysis tools (Click Rate, Opt In Rate, Conversion Rate, Cart Abandon Rate, Upsell Take Rate, and Renewal/Reorder rate), can paint a clearer picture of how well your website is actually performing.

More on this next week.

How To Improve Performance On Your WordPress Site

Great content is at the mercy of site speed. No matter how wonderful your content is, taking more than 4 seconds to load can mean significant loss of traffic and loss of potential income for your website. Why? People hate slow websites. The slower it takes for your page to load, the faster people leave it. Patience is not a virtue when it comes to the internet. That is why site speed is important.

Google is obsessed with site speed and has incorporated it as one of the signals for determining search rankings. In a previous article on determining a website’s quality score , we learned that user experience is now a major element and part of the equation in determining and improving your site’s ranking. A fast site creates satisfied users, improves user experience, and improves overall site quality and performance.

If your website is taking longer to load than necessary, it’s time to take stock and audit the elements causing the delay. Here’s a checklist of some of the things you need to consider as you work on improving your site’s performance:

  • Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to load heavy scripts and images and to lighten the load on your server.
  • Optimize caching – Browser caching stores cached versions of static resources. This speeds up page speed tremendously and reduces server lag.
  • Remove/Reduce/Compress large images, videos, and other content. Resize and optimize images for web use. Specify image dimensions and use the right image format.
  • Minify JavaScript and remove unused CSS files. Reduce HTTP loading requests for CSS style sheets, scripts, images, and HTML
  • Remove/Reduce/Deactivate unnecessary or unused widgets or plugins. Plugins and widgets are bandwidth thieves. Try deactivating all of your plugins to test your speed. Activate a widget or a plugin one at a time to see which one is the speed culprit.
  • Check the loading time of your ads or affiliate codes to see how they affect page speed.
  • Check your WordPress theme for compatibility issues with your WordPress version or your browsers.
  • Choose a good web host or switch to a better one with a proven uptime track record if necessary.

Here are some of the tools you can use to help you analyze your site’s performance:

Page Speed

Page Speed evaluates performance from the client point of view, typically measured as the page load time. This is the lapsed time between the moment a user requests a new page and the moment the page is fully rendered by the browser.

Yahoo! YSlow

Firefox/Firebug Add-on that analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance, based on a set of rules for high performance web pages.

Google Analytics Plugin by Yoast

Google Analytics for WordPress plugin allows you to track your blog easily and with lots of metadata: views per author & category, automatic tracking of outbound clicks and page views.

Pingdom Website Speed Test

Pingdom offers cost-effective and reliable server, network and website monitoring. They use a global network of servers to monitor customers’ sites 24/7, all year long. The service includes statistics for uptime and response time, and can send out alerts via SMS, email, and more.

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is designed to improve user experience and page speed of your site by increasing server performance, reducing the download times and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration.

In conclusion, as far as website essentials go, the adage “less is more” is best. Sticking to only what’s necessary and throwing away what is not needed will help your website float to the top. The faster your website loads, the better your site performs and the experience your users have will be more pleasant, favorable, and hopefully more memorable, making them want to come back for more.

20 Combat Photography Examples which will Blow your Mind

The word combat stands for fight against or Oppose in battle, Combat photography carries the real mood, its not a real planned Photography. Its nothing but capturing the stunning live moments of soldiers during live action. Here I have collected 20 Combat photography examples, Enjoy…..


Harmony Theme from Elegant Themes is LIVE

On Nov 29, Elegant Themes officially released Harmony, a versatile premium WordPress theme designed for musicians and bands. Its key features are its custom audio player for sampling music tracks, event manager features and eCommerce functionality. Visitors can listen to the band’s music, purchase concert tickets via the band’s ticket vendor of choice and purchase music/merchandise through the theme’s WooCommerce powered e-store pages. It’s a one-stop website both musicians and fans will surely enjoy.

Harmony is a well designed, well developed theme considering this is Elegant’s first step into music themes. A lot of expectation and inputs have been given by users since the theme’s announcement on Nov. 7 and these suggestions have been carefully woven into the theme as best possible. The theme continues to deliver that signature Elegant Themes look and upholds its reputation for simple yet sophisticated design that distinguishes it, specifically Harmony’s aesthetics, from other music themes in the market. In addition, its excellent event management capabilities make it convenient for fans to patronize the band’s latest gigs and concerts as seamless and as effortless as scrolling through the pages.

Harmony includes an integrated MP3 audio player which gives fans and potential fans the opportunity to listen to audio samples of upcoming or already released music tracks. The theme is also equipped to display music videos and concert previews as an effective marketing tool to attract the attention of this media savvy generation of fans. This theme is also responsive and will work well on handheld and mobile devices – a staple of every ear plugged music fan out there. This means that fans can enjoy their favorite band’s music anytime, anywhere – which is definitely music to any musician’s ears.


  • Responsive Design
  • Theme Options
  • Shortcodes
  • Page Templates
  • Perpetual Updates
  • Secure and Valid Code
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Complete Localization
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Unparalleled Support

Harmony Premium WordPress Theme includes top-notch tech support provided by Elegant themes’ support staff to help you setup your site and get it running in no time.

Get 77 Premium Themes for $39

Harmony Theme: Coming Soon from Elegant Themes

It’s the age of the boy band, the rocker chicks, and the indie alternative rock group and fans have been stalking their favorite bands social network sites. But what if these bands had their very own websites to give them and their fans an online address where they can all converge and have fun?

Elegant Themes is coming up with its version of the music/band/artist WordPress theme and it looks quite exciting. We wonder how Nick Roach is going to combine elegance and swag all at the same time. No doubt, it will be something good.

Sneak peeks can be seen on the Elegant Theme’s blog page. A few features that’s been talked about are:

    The theme is compatible with the standard soundcloud plugin, and that you can add your soundcloud social media Icon in the header
  • Highly visual, clean and responsive experience
  • Includes an eStore / eCommerce compatible
  • Alternate color schemes
  • Major features: showcase songs, sell swag, cultivate fants, notify them of upcoming shows
  • Define your own background image for each location

Check out the Elegant Themes blog or even our blog regularly for the latest updates on the release of this new theme from Elegant Themes, Harmony theme.

Get 77 Premium Themes for $39

CSSIgniter Goes After Elegant Themes

In September 2010, CSSIgniter started churning out Premium WordPress themes for the WordPress community. What was intended to be a side project to augment the founders’ day jobs didn’t bring in the cash they were hoping for.

Early this year, CSSIgniter put some focus and resources to keep its creative engines running consistently. In the last 7 months, this developer has released 16 new themes, half of its existing inventory of 29. A closer look at their last 7 releases show how they have significantly up their game by joining the responsive bandwagon and now this dynamic development team of 4 is now cooking up their 2nd responsive e-commerce theme.

CSSIgniter offers members a year’s access to its catalogue of themes for the price of $39. This brings them in direct competition with Elegant Themes who offers similar access to its members at the same price. What differentiates CSSIgniter is its willingness to give out PSD files to all its members. Elegant Themes gives out these files to its Developer members who pay $89 annually. While Elegant Themes continues to create stunning, highly functional, easy to use themes, CSSIgniter isn’t far behind. Considering the bold shifts in pace and design the Greek quartet have taken in the last few months, it would not be surprising to find their products standing toe to toe with Elegant Themes in the very near future. Their Aegean Resort Theme now offers visuals which can be developed to generate the stunning effect of Elegant’s Gleam.

CSSIgniter still has to master how to showcase their work on their website. A casual visitor, would probably find their Theme descriptions too concise in comparison the level of detail one finds on Elegant Theme’s website. To offset this, CSSIgniter may consider including video introductions as part of the live demo similar to the video introduction on their blog post to introduce Femme.

CSSIgniter appears to be beyond the stage of ignition and is now beginning to burn up really bright. We looking forward to the next releases of this rising star among the current WordPress premium theme providers community.

Check Out CSSIgniter

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