WordPress 3.5 – New Features to be excited about in 2013

Drumroll please, Elvin Jones is in the house! WordPress house, that is. In keeping with WordPress code naming tradition, the latest WordPress update released – WordPress 3.5 has been named “Elvin” in honor of drummer Elvin Jones, and there is a lot to drum about.

Here are some of the new features that have been updated in WordPress 3.5:

New Media Manager

The Drag and Drop feature is streamlined, fast and easy to use. Creating galleries is faster with inline caption editing capabilities and simplified controls. Insert multiple images at once with Shift/Ctrl+click or insert multiple galleries per post and independently order images as you like.

New Default Theme

Twenty Twelve (2012) theme for WordPress is a simple, flexible and elegant theme with a gorgeous open sans typeface. It is currently the default theme for WordPress 3.5. It is mobile friendly, fully responsive and looks great on any device. This theme includes all the latest theme features including a front-page template with its own widgets which you can customize and also set up as a single page.

Favorite Plugin Support

Mark all your favorite or often used plugins in the WordPress Plugin Direcotry and access all of them directly in the Admin Panel>Plugins> Install Plugins page using your WordPress.org user name. This pulls out all your favorite go to plugins and saves a lot of time especially when you are setting up multiple sites.

Admin Enhancements

WordPress 3.5 sports a new Welcome Screen, simpler and easier to use even by WordPress beginners. All the basic tasks are accessible in this new interface – from Getting Started to Writing your First Blog Post to Managing Widgets – user-friendly indeed.

Retina display support

WordPress 3.5 is also Retina-Ready (HiDPI) where many visual elements have been updated and converted to CSS3 elements to support the new displays so that they look good on these higher resolution screens.

Support for Instagram, oEmbed support for SoundCloud and Slideshare

oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly. Great news for Instagram, Soundcloud and Slideshare users as WordPress 3.5 supports these services and it is now easier to integrate them to your site without touching any code.

Link Manager Gone

And its absence will hardly be felt probably. WordPress 3.5 hides the Link Manager by default for new installs but if you truly miss it, this feature can still be enabled via the Link Manager plugin. All sites with existing links are left as is.

XML-RPC is enabled by default

This means better accessibility for screen readers, touch devices, and keyboard users. This feature is also for remote publishing/mobile and easier connection with mobile apps like the Official WordPress iOS app. Those who are using Atom will need to use a 3rd party plugin.

New Tumblr importer

If you’ve been wanting to import your Tumblr content into WordPress for years now is the time to do so. WordPress 3.5 has now made this possible.

Multisites can now be installed and used in the subdirectory

Another improvement in WordPress 3.5 which multisite developers will appreciate is the ability to install WordPress Multisite in the subdirectory and not in the document root.

There’s more under the hood goodness that can be further explored if you want to. Some people wait a while before they install the latest WordPress update to give plugin developers time to update their own plugins. Make sure to backup your files before you do any updates.

BuddyPress WordPress Themes 2013: Trends

BuddyPress has come a long way since its conceptualization in 2008. What is BuddyPress anyway?

According to WPMU.org:

BuddyPress is a suite of plugins for WordPress that transforms into a fully functional social network platform.
When installed on WordPress Multisite it provides features that lets your members socially interact with each other within a multi-blogging platform environment. It provides all the features that allow you to build a community on your network. BuddyPress enables you to build passionate users around a specific niche.”

Buddypress.org puts it quite succinctly:

“BuddyPress is Social Networking, the WordPress way.”

The concept of turning a WordPress site into a social network is indeed radical and has not been lacking in challenges. What is amazing is that BuddyPress users of today find a plugin that fully integrates into ordinary WordPress as opposed to the few who were tinkering with WPMU a couple of years back. With its latest version, 1.6, BuddyPress is an easy to use plugin with good content management capability. You can enjoy the benefit of user generated content with the ability to moderate and control spam posts using existing infrastructure on WordPress. BuddyPress also gives you the functionality you expect from any social networking site. You can add and remove friends, create groups and much more.

With all that BuddyPress is offering now what more is store for this great plugin? The battle cry of the developers is theme integration. More and more people would like to turn their existing sites into social networking sites without discarding their existing theme capabilities. Come to think of it, if you have a great ecommerce theme, why would you want discard your eCommerce capabilities for social networking. The challenge for theme developers is to create or redesign themes that integrate the capabilities of buddypress. Social networking, in tandem with mobile devices, has made our world smaller, closer, and within reach. It is undeniable.On the other hand, BuddyPress developers also have to do their share to make the plugin more seamless. While the task doesn’t seem easy there is indeed a host of talented, highly motivated people working to reach the summit from both sides. We are looking forward with much eagerness to their success!

On Becoming a WordPress Professional

How does one become a certified WordPress professional indeed? Earning your stripes as a WordPress professional does not come from a course you enroll in and study for X number of years in your regular university. Neither do you get a degree or a diploma for the numerous WordPress conferences, seminars or webinars you attend. In truth, becoming a WordPress professional is not age bound, race bound, location bound, language bound or educational background bound. One key ingredient is the willingness to learn, make mistakes, and learn all over again.

Many current WordPress professionals and practitioners did not start out as such. Perhaps some have come out from the corporate world and taken a radical sabbatical from their daily grind while others probably started out in their dorm room or garage. Maybe others began tinkering with WordPress while they were in their teens while some are going through a second wind in their careers. The Internet has this built-in democratic leveling quality where anyone can make it regardless. Since the year is about to end, maybe some of you are considering a quiet change or transition into something else – a new career path of sorts. You don’t necessarily have to be a developer or a designer to be a WordPress professional. Here are a few options for you to think of if you are considering a shift into the exciting world of WordPress:


Web development is the back-end of the website, the programming and interactions on the pages. A web developer focuses on how a site works and how the customers get things done on it. Good web developers know how to program CGI and scripts like PHP. They understand about how web forms work and can keep a site running effectively.A good web developer will have excellent programming skills and be able to use a range of programming tools. He or she will be able to provide solutions to give a website the functions required. Web developers will use a range of programming tools such as ASP, Javascript, XML and SQL. The focus is more on the backend and the functionality of the site.

Designer (Themes)

Web design determines the look and feel of a website. It covers the layout, navigation and colors of a website. Web design is more concerned with aesthetics and user experience than functions. A web designer will make a website easy to use and fit for purpose. A good web designer will have graphic design skills and a good understanding of marketing. He or she will know how to grab the attention of visitors and encourage them to explore a website. A web designer is concerned with how a site looks and how the customers interact with it. Good web designers know how to put together the principles of design to create a site that looks great. They also understand about usability and how to create a site that customers want to navigate around in.

Developer (Plugins and Widgets)

Plug-ins and widgets are a great way to enhance the functionality of your site by adding in extra features. These can be placed anywhere inside your template by function hooks. You can start creating and eventually selling stand-alone plugins that add value to existing or new themes.

Support Professional

One of the most common deficiencies in the WordPress themes marketplace is the lack of or absence of theme support. You can start a career by being part of a support team that is responsible for providing after-sales support to customers who have purchased specific themes.


Providing consultancy services, networking, and hooking up clients with designers and developers is another option to becoming a WordPress Professional. Many times, a lot of great designers do poorly sales-wise because of a lack of marketing skills. You can offer your services to acts as a marketing consultant to WordPress designers and developers who have little or no time to do the marketing themselves.

Blogger/ Theme Description Writer

With the explosion of WordPress themes in the marketplace, there is very little difference between one theme to the next and a lot of them look like clones. You can offer your services as a writer to create a marketing hook for designers and developers who would rather write code than a marketing spiel.

Documentation Writer

Providing appropriate and useful detailed documentation that is easy to understand even by WordPress beginners is another option. Transcribing the installation and setting up process in easy to follow steps adds value to the theme and a well written piece will mean less resources spent on support.

WordPress Trainor

If you have acquired a certain level of proficiency in WordPress and you are confident enough about what you know, you can also try going into teaching and training.

These are just a few ideas to think of as you consider starting or shifting to a career as a WordPress professional.

Breaking the WordPress Language Barrier

“The Miracle Worker” is an inspiring true story based on the life of the young Helen Keller, blind and deaf since infancy, and her gifted teacher Miss Anne Sullivan. The film revolves around these two strong willed characters and the battle to overcome the obstacles that prevent Helen’s ability to communicate. Because of the strong and yet loving persistence of Miss Sullivan, Helen overcame. The language and communication barrier broke and Helen learned how to speak. How did it happen?

The “miracle” in The Miracle Worker occurs when Sullivan and Keller are at the water pump refilling a pitcher. It is at this moment that Keller makes the intellectual connection between the word Sullivan spells (using sign language) into her hand and the tangible substance splashing from the pump. Keller demonstrates her understanding by miraculously whispering “wah-wah”, the baby talk or gibberish equivalent of “water”.
source: Wikipedia

Many of us can probably relate to the struggle of making that “intellectual connection” between words and concepts especially when learning a new or unfamiliar language. Learning a new language requires an investment of time and effort. A steep price but the fruits of which is that “Aha!” moment when comprehension finally sets in and the satisfaction of knowing that the intellect and understanding have miraculously met.

For many, trying to learn the language of WordPress is a daunting thing. For the average person, it is indeed a struggle but, the good news is, it is not impossible. So what language exactly are we trying to understand?

HTML – The language of the web

Going back to our previous definition of HTML, we said that HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the W3C standard language with which all web pages are built. It is the native language, the mother tongue of all other web languages – the building block from which all other web languages are built. Once we understand what it’s for, how to read it and write it, the easier it will be to understand everything else.

Let’s break it down a little bit more. The book HTML5- 24 Hour Trainer by Joseph Lowery writes:

The Internet, or World Wide Web, is essentially a network of computers. Browsers, like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari, are computer programs that display web pages, which, in turn, are written in HTML. So, at its heart, HTML is the language of the Web.

As noted, HTML is an abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language. HyperText is text presented on one electronic device – whether it’s a computer, smartphone, or something else — that is connected, via a link, to other text, which could be located elsewhere in the same document, on a different page in the same website, or on an entirely different site. HyperText is perhaps the defining essence of the Internet: the ability to link from one web page to another, thus creating a web of information.

A simple hypertext system that connects raw textual content pretty much describes the earliest Internet systems. So how did we get to the rich multimedia experience that makes up much of the web today? That’s where the second half of the HTML abbreviation, Markup Language comes into play. The Markup Language part of HTML takes plain text with additional codes or tags and turns raw text into easily readable text on other electronic devices.

Lesson. Read and Write.

Here’s an example of HTML in action. Let’s say we want to send this block of text to be displayed on different browsers and it will be viewed on different devices:

ACT I. PROLOGUE.Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents’ strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. SCENE I. Verona. A public place.

Although all the information you need to convey is contained here, it’s a struggle to understand the meaning because it’s a big block of plain text. It would make a lot more sense if we were able to MARK IT UP in some way to indicate structure as well as communicate content. How about if we break it up into paragraphs using symbols, like this:

<p>ACT I.<p>


<p>Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.<p>

<p>From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents’ strife.<p>

<p>The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.<p>

<p>SCENE I.<p>

<p>Verona. A public place.<p>

One symbol, <p>, shows where the paragraph starts and another, similar symbol, <p>, shows where it ends. Overall, it’s better and more readable, right? The problem is that everything is still on one level. Perhaps we can show the difference between a heading and a paragraph of text by using different symbols, such as an <h> for a heading and a <p> for a paragraph:

<h>ACT I.<h>


<p>Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.<p>

Getting better, but are all headings the same? How about if we indicate the most important heading with the number 1 and a less important heading with a 2, like this:

<h1>ACT I.<h1>

Now when a computer program, like a browser (IE, Firefox, Safari), renders this marked-up text, it strips out the MARKUP SYMBOLS (called tags in HTML) and shows the text with the appropriate styling.



Two households, both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

Is it starting to make a little bit more sense now? Did something break? Hopefully, a light bulb switch turned on or something clicked in your head and you’ve found your “Aha!” moment. If you have, you will start looking at html code differently. You can try reading and writing and even try to slowly interpret what all the gobbledygook means. If you haven’t figured it out yet, you can go back to the lesson, find your own text block and practice using the markup symbols we used.

More next week!

78 Reasons To Join Elegant Themes

Since around 2008, Elegant Themes has been producing beautiful, and well designed WordPress themes. Each theme has always been a balance between beauty and function.We have always felt that for a website to have a substantial following on the web, it also has to look good on top of working well. Visitors are first drawn to the visual and each theme must be a feast for the eyes. After that initial encounter, they need to be able to find what they are looking for with ease. The experience must be pleasant as this will determine whether they will stay beyond the 30-second time frame and continue going through your content, whether it be reading text posts, watching videos or looking at images. By that time, these visitors need to be fully persuaded that they need to keep coming back for more or eventually subscribe to stay up to date.

Elegant Theme’s latest theme release, Origin, embodies this design and function philosophy. The visuals are indeed stunning and undoubtedly beautiful. As you go through the theme’s demo, it is as equally delightful to discover little design elements and functionalities carefully and thoughtfully dispersed throughout the theme.

Prior to the release of the Origin theme, Elegant Themes also released the business theme Nimble. Nimble’s bold and beautiful play on whitespace and typography created a very professional looking and yet creative theme. The mixture of bold fonts and mildly subdued colors provide a relaxed, calming effect even if the theme were to be used for a business website. Color coordinated sections on the homepage help direct readers to sections most important to them. What is most notable with this theme is the sophistication in managing the amount of detail presented to visitors. The home page does not cram all the information but rather presents design elements in samples, snippets and teasers to whet the appetite of the visitors.

These two themes are part of the growing inventory of 78 and are representative of the quality of themes that Elegant Themes churns. Not only are all 78 themes aesthetically outstanding but they are all also functionally excellent in keeping with WordPress code standards. Nothing pretentious. Just good design and honest code. More than a million and a half customers speak for itself.

If you are on the fence and still thinking of one good reason to sign up with Elegant Themes, you already have two – Origin Premium WordPress Theme and Nimble Premium WordPress Theme. Imagine having access to all 78 themes – 78 reasons to create stunning websites for you and your clients. Membership starts at only $39, approximately $.49/theme. Even a Happy Meal costs more. With Elegant Themes membership, you will definitely bring happiness to your clients and put a smile on their faces because they simply can’t help “Lovin’ It!”

Join Elegant Themes for Only $39

Coming Soon: Origin Theme by Elegant Themes

Nick Roach has done it again! Origin Premium WordPress Theme is the latest WordPress theme released by Elegant Themes and it is indeed stunning. This grid-based theme is quite impressive both visually and function-wise. You can tell that every design element has been carefully thought of and meticulously designed details have been scattered all throughout the theme if you care to spot them.

Origin is a gorgeous portfolio-styled theme but it is also engaging and fun to navigate around. It’s like going on a treasure hunt where you expect to find some hidden treasure as you explore every item on every page. The overall experience is one of delight and surprise. Customization is quick and easy. This theme comes with 5 deliciously combined preset color schemes that immediately engage your eye. These pre made color schemes are good to go right out of the box but you can also create your own color palette based on your own branding preferences.

This premium WordPress theme comes with several built in page templates like an image gallery page, an advanced search page, a portfolio page with several display options, a blog feed page, a contact page, a secure member login page, and a sitemap for those concerned about content showing up in bot crawls and searches. There are also tons of shortcodes giving you more customization and functionality options.

Origin Premium WordPress Theme uses CSS media queries and AJAX infinite scrolling features to ensure that your website will display and function beautifully and intuitively no matter the screen size and device. If you are considering an upgrade to your own site or doing a project for a client, Origin has infinite possibilities and potential for turning your site from good to great.

More Features:

  • Responsive design
  • ePanel Theme Options
  • Large collection of shortcodes
  • Premade Page Templates
  • Perpetual Updates
  • Secure and Valid Code
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Complete Localization
  • Five Unique Colors
  • Unparalleled Support

Origin Premium WordPress Theme includes top-notch tech support provided by Elegant themes’ support staff to help you setup your site and get it running in no time.

Preview the Origin Theme

30 of the Best Shopify Themes (Free & Awesome)

Do you prefer to shop from shabby looking shops? Well, I am sure that all of us will be answering this question with a resounding NO. If that is the case, then why should shopping online be any different. It is imperative these days for a website owner to have an inviting, user-friendly experience lest you go the way of obscurity.

Application of a useful and at the same time beautiful theme in the website therefore becomes extremely important. Readily downloadable themes or templates compatible with different kinds of websites are available on the internet which can be used by designers as a starting point of their projects. Or it can be useful for novice designers who want to draw valuable inspiration from these examples thereafter start developing their own unique template. If you download a free shopify theme, then the work of the designer will be simplified and become much faster as well. These templates come with many useful features like ability to connect with the social networking sites, full customization features whereby the developer can amend it according to his own needs and all the latest technologies. With the use of these templates your website is surely going to stand out from the rest. It doesn’t end with having a unique template and features, its all depends on how well and different you do business. You can find experiences of popular ecommerce experts and help articles on blogs like Shopify ecommerce blog.

In addition to our article on some of the best ecommerce WordPress Themes of 2013, we have also created this detailed list of the 30 best and most diverse shopify websites for you designers out there. They can build up a unique, attractive and at the same extremely interactive platform with the help of these themes.


Nimble Theme by Elegant Themes

Nimble Premium WordPress Theme is a well balanced theme in a lot of aspects. The theme’s demo displays a combination of colors that is pleasing and attractive to the eyes. Its styling is bold but still effectively leaves makes clever use of white space giving the eyes a place to rest strategically. The overall design is balanced and looks beautiful on large monitors as well as on smartphone displays. It is indeed aptly called “Nimble” as it is flexible enough to adapt to various types of websites.

Nimble’s homepage is deliberately section giving it that clearly defined look. Each section has its own color scheme, effectively transitioning users from one section to the next as they scroll through the page. The top section contains a beautiful, full width slider for showcasing attention grabbing works and taglines. Clicking on a slide takes you to a page that contains details of the featured work or post. This section transitions into another section which can be used to give a bird’s eye view introduction about important information such as the company, mission, vision, product/service summaries or other types of information. This is further enhanced by call to action buttons at the bottom of the boxes that take you to pages where you find more exhaustive descriptions. There is also a section that can be used for special quotes, taglines or announcements. The next sections can be configured to contain recent news and updates, recent blog posts, recent portfolio additions, and even a price table to complete the whole layout. All these customizations can be easily handled via the ePanel Theme Options feature included in all Elegant Themes WordPress themes.

Nimble’s responsive design is quick and impressive. Images and content quickly resize to the width of your browser or the screen size of your handheld device. This means that your visitors can expect a pleasant browsing experience all the time.

More Features:

  • Responsive design
  • ePanel Theme Options
  • Large collection of shortcodes
  • Premade Page Templates
  • Perpetual Updates
  • Secure and Valid Code
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Complete Localization
  • Five Unique Colors
  • Unparalleled Support

Nimble Premium WordPress Theme includes top-notch tech support provided by Elegant themes’ support staff to help you setup your site and get it running in no time.

Nimble Theme: $39 | Demo & Download

WordPress Theme Marketplaces 2013: Trends

A good way to spot emerging trends in the WordPress themes market would be to look at the behaviour of theme marketplaces like Themeforest, Mojo Themes and other boutique WordPress marketplaces. Here are some of our observations of what is currently ongoing and our take on what is to be:

Themeforest – The WordPress Marketplace Giant

With about 2500 themes in its inventory, Themeforest is probably the largest theme marketplace there is. Collis Ta’eed, founder of Envato which runs Themeforest, observed that the main trends on theme sales for 2012 have been: responsive, e-commerce and app themes (themes that have app like functionalities).

These trends are indeed reflective of trends observed by developers in the industry. With mobile platforms taking their place as the new mainstream it is just fitting to find responsive themes becoming more of a necessity rather than a trend.

The introduction of Jigoshop and WooCommerce plugins are making people realize the viability of turning WordPress themes into robust e-commerce solutions.

Specialized app themes will remain and will continue to flourish because of the specific niches they service. These niche WordPress app themes will continue to evolve as the themes market matures.

Mojo-themes and other WordPress Boutique shops

A look at the top 10 sellers on Mojo Themes similarly shows 4/10 themes are already responsive indicating that the trend towards mobile friendly themes is indeed a phenomenon. Their top selling theme is an e-commerce theme validating the emergence of WordPress as an e-commerce solution. The rest of the themes are multi-purpose or portfolio themes which target professionals, small or medium scale businesses and corporations.

Boutique theme shops and clubs such as StudioPress, Thematic, Press75, iThemes, WooThemes, Templatic and many others continue to thrive with their own loyal following.

Outlook for 2013

Major and minor WordPress theme marketplace vendors are experiencing the trends towards responsive themes and e-commerce. The question is how will these trends influence these marketplaces as they prepare for 2013 and beyond?

It is our opinion that responsive themes will continue to be in high demand as the transition to mobile platforms is still ongoing. About 6.1B mobile subscriptions are still yet to convert to internet ready smartphone subscriptions. The recent introduction of WooCommerce and Jigoshop indicates that the market is also only in the early stages of adaptation and mainstreaming of this technology. 2013 will be a year for continued acceptance as more sites exploit the democratization of e-commerce with these two plugins. Perhaps more eCommerce plugins will be introduced into the market and WordPress users will have more options and solutions to choose from.With a big year ahead for responsive themes and e-commerce, developers now have to bid for the best products to serve these markets as well as look at what lies ahead in 2014.

As ThemeForest continues its commitment to evolve and improve its review standards on what WordPress themes are made available in the marketplace we can expect higher quality WordPress themes that will satisfy even the strictest Code gurus out there. The renewed commitment to become more involved in the WordPress community is also a welcome move that will surely benefit us all.