How to Publish A Book – 10 Key Points by Guy Kawasaki

Have you ever dreamed of publishing your own book but just don’t know where to start? Here are some of key points shared by well-known author, Guy Kawasaki, during the Traffic and Conversion Summit 2013 held early this year.

Write for the right reason

Wrong reasons – make money (probability to make lots of money is very low), increase consulting, increase speeches. Not to say these won’t be the result, but they shouldn’t be the core reasons

Right reasons – enrich people’s lives, further a cause, meet an intellectual challenge

Use Microsoft Word to write

Use “styles” feature to keep book consistent

MS Word is the standard among editors, testers, designers, and resellers

Write every day – 1-2 hours per day

Most people’s idea of writing is too idealistic. Writing is the process of vomiting out your knowledge then refining everything later.

Build your marketing platform – do this from the very start

Earn the right to market to your audience by constantly providing value. This will trigger reciprocation.

Take the curator role and share topics in your niche. This will establish yourself as an expert.

Start with the simplest path – start with a Kindle eBook

Amazon has 51% of eBook market share

If it’s successful on Amazon, it will also be successful on other platforms, guaranteed

Tap the crowd – don’t tell your publisher this:

Guy’s 3 step writing process: Outline, manuscript, PDF

Outline – spend 2 months outlining book. Share outline and ask for feedback on social media. Edit for another 2 months

Manuscript – Gives his friends to read manuscript to get feedback and comments via social media

PDF – Right before it’s done, he asks his social media followers with blogs to review it

Hire a copy editor

Hire a great cover designer

Very important to have a good cover on the books (people judge books by their cover)

Test your eBook

Test your book on various devices – tablets, apps, cloud readers, nook, kobo, ibooks

Some people think they only have to read a Kindle book on Kindle tablet. They don’t know about other apps.

Never, ever give up

Stephen King, George Orwell, and Kerouac were all rejected

Self – publishing stigma (self publishers can’t get picked up by publishers) is a MYTH nowadays

No one even knows who published a book on Amazon. People just look at # of stars and read a few reviews

Artisanal publishing – giving author control of everything

Hall of Fame self publishers:

  • Birds of America – James Audobon
  • Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman
  • 50 Shades of Grey

Guy Kawasaki is an author, publisher, entrepreneur and was recently a guest speaker at the Traffic and Conversion Summit held earlier this year (2013). Guy Kawasaki is the author of APE, What the Plus!, Enchantment, and nine other books. He is also the co-founder of, an “online magazine rack” of popular topics on the web.

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